Are you using python and Qt and get a warning when running the program? Learn how to suppress the ApplePersistenceIgnoreState message.

ApplePersistenceIgnoreState Existing state will not be touched.

On macOS Big Sur I get this message when I execute a python program that uses Qt via pyside2:

ApplePersistenceIgnoreState: Existing state will not be touched.
New state will be written to /var/folders/t_/


Cocoa (inherited from AppKit) supports a way for applications to restore state when relaunched. The user default ApplePersistenceIgnoreState enables and disables the restore behavior with values YES/NO. To suppress the message, set ApplePersistenceIgnoreState to NO

Suppress the message

Notice the phrase org.python.python in the message. You need this to supress the message:

defaults write org.python.python ApplePersistenceIgnoreState NO

Undo supressing the message

defaults write org.python.python ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES
Written by Loek van den Ouweland on 2021-01-05.
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