I want to use a folder in Visual Studio Code but not expose the full path (including username) in my online tutorials. I cannot create a folder in the root but I can create a symlink in the volume folder.
The symlink link command has the following structure
ln -s target_file_or_folder link_name
I create physical folder here:
And create the symlink like this:
ln -s ~/dev/tutorialcode/ /Volumes/dev
/Volumes list:
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1 Aug 2 21:33 Macintosh HD -> / lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 33 Aug 3 15:00 dev -> /Users/***/dev/tutorial
If you get error 'Permission denied', you might have to use sudo. Do it on your own risk!